It should be recorded that in the market of Las Alasitas joy abounds. A river of Bolivian folk wind their way through the narrow walkways climbing higher and higher to the most precipitously balanced stands in search of their dreams. There are no guns or drugs here. Nothing to be frightened of. There isn't the least prospect of violence with all the candidates for juvenile delinquency intensely engaged in competition on the table football grounds. Everywhere street food is being cooked. The air is full of the smell of grilled meat and roasted corn. Vendors wheelbarrow an overflowing mass of hot popcorn between the stands and local girls stand patiently in the circulating mass holding high above their heads trays loaded with ice creams.
A fortune teller throws liquid lead in to water and announces to the man or woman in front of him, that the crystallised shape resulting from the sudden cooling signifies all will be well. It is a thing of great improbability that any bad news would be delivered at las Alasitas. All counselled smile and move on to purchase other dreams. There is a civil marriage booth allowing anyone to marry. A fake registrar recites an entire marriage ceremony to those in front of her and then bestows champagne from mini goblets as the married admire their miniature wedding rings.
In the United States and Europe the power of positive thought and visualisation is promoted as the route to manifestation of wishes. A quick search on Amazon reveals 565 titles presently listed and ready for purchase by any Brit or citizen of the United States who wants to get rich, be more confident, get promoted, get a wife. It is all so last year! The Las Alasitas has been delivering in splendid form dreams to its participants since 1761. All you have to do is believe in Ekeko and he will deliver. Why would you not? The feria in his honour was begun by a conquering Spanish official of La Paz eager to retain the traditions of this Aymarian God while obliterating everything else. If Ekeko can survive the machinations of the conquistadores, who would not consider he could make manifest in any life, a wished for X Box , or a villa in Zona Sur, where everyone in La Paz wants to live.
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